2. Radiotherapy: radiotherapy can be used for advanced tongue cancer in patients after preoperative adjuvant therapy.
3. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy can be used as adjuvant therapy in patients with advanced tongue cancer before and after surgery, in addition to chemotherapy for patients with distant metastases.
4. Chinese Medicine: Chinese medicine tongue carcinoma can cover from chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery, sufficient to consolidate the treatment effect, reduce the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

1. After the surgery the same day no obligation to use the pillows, the position should be supine and flat, the second day can take a half-sitting half-supine position, to reduce the hyperemia and edema
2. Observe carefully mark the life of patients with cancer of the tongue, note the respiratory tract.
3. Observe the tube channel if there is a blockage, note the color of the liquid tube, quality, quantity, if there is an abnormal immediate medical attention.
4. After the surgery using a nasogastric / NG Tube to include nutritious food, after 7 to 10 days the patient can eat liquid food directly from his mouth.
5. Give mouth care guidelines for patients with cancer of the tongue and oral hygiene note
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