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Monday, October 6, 2014

Treatment of Endometrial Cancer

If the diagnosis has been clearly proven there is cancer, the doctor needs to understand the state of the disease in order to determine the most appropriate course of treatment. Factors that determine whether the tumor invaded the stage including organs around; whether the cancer has begun to spread; if it has spread, it extends to any part.
Division stage endometrial cancer include:

Stage 0: only a tumor gland enlargement, also referred to as the starting point of cancer.

Stage I: The cancer is only limited to the uterus.

Stage II: The cancer has invaded into the cervix.

Stage III: The cancer has spread to the outside of the uterus (including the vagina), but have not exceeded the pelvic bone.

Stage IV: The cancer exceeds clearly the pelvic bone or invade into the lining of the bladder or rectum.

1. Surgery : is the most commonly used to treat endometrial cancer, how should the operation adjusted to the patient's illness, surgical removal can be done the entire uterus and both attachments, can also be done more extensive operation that removal of the entire uterus and lymph node clearance the pelvic bone.

2. Radiotherapy: for those who are not fit to run operations, often used in the radiation exposure in the body cavity and outside agencies.

3. Chemotherapy is often used in patients with advanced stage inoperable or radiotherapy, and pengambuhan after therapy.

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