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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

1. Symptoms of blockage: the difficulty urinating, urinary retention, pain, blood urine or loss of urine pengontolan, etc..

2. Symptoms locally invasive: the cavity between the bladder and the rectum is the most exposed first, the cavity between the bladder and rectum, including prostate, testes, vas deferens, urinary tract and other organs, such as tumors invade and crush the vas deferens can trigger back pain and next to testis pain.

3. Other deployment Symptoms: easy prostate cancer spreads to the bones, may initially have no symptoms, there is also due to the spread of the bone resulting in an emphasis on neurological or pathological fractures when a newly discovered prostate cancer check.
What are some ways a diagnosis of prostate cancer?

1. Examination of the rectum;

2. Serum prostate antigen;

3. Prostatic acid phosphatase

4. Ultrasound;

5. X-ray;

6. Histopathology;

7. CT and MRI.

How does the process of expansion of prostate cancer?

The spread through blood, venous spread is a common pathway expansion of prostate cancer, the most commonly spreads to the lungs and skeleton bones, pelvic bones and vertebrae and ribs, femur, collarbone and bones in the other parts can also be achieved. As for how prostate cancer spreads to the lumbar spine, there are experts who thought passing through the vertebral veins, whereas others showed evidence of prostate cancer and other cancers that pass through the circulation of the same body, and therefore, most of the bones spread of disease could have been there too spread in the lungs.

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