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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

According to the World Health Organization , the survey found that one third of cancers can be prevented , one third of active treatment can prolong life and improve quality of life . Early detection of cancer patients , 80 % more to get a good therapeutic effect .

The doctors said many patients with lung cancer are diagnosed at late stage . Because lung cancer is no typical symptoms or no symptoms . Early symptoms of lung cancer are cough , sputum , and many patients have a history of smoking will experience these symptoms , accompanied by symptoms of chest pain , hemoptysis , fever and other symptoms . If you experience these symptoms do not go to the hospital for examination and treatment , have lost the best treatment period .

When the patient during the examination , in addition to the doctor asks about the patient's medical history and some basic checks , may also need to do further checks .
1 . X - ray : When coughing , chest pain , symptoms do not get better , it might be able to do the X - ray and bronchoscopy . With the X - ray can understand if there are lung cancer , tumor location and size , can also be seen as emphysema , bronchial obstruction caused by local lesions adjacent parts of pulmonary infiltrates or inflammatory changes .
2 . Bronchoscopy : Bronchoscopy can be directly through the endobronchial lesion .
3 . Biopsy : examination of sputum cytology is a simple and effective method for the majority of patients with primary lung cancer can be found in the sputum of cancer cells .
4 . Exploratory thoracotomy : a mass in the lung with a variety of diagnostic examinations and short-term treatment failed to clear lesions , but can not exclude the possibility of lung cancer , exploratory thoracotomy should conduct the examination . This is to avoid delays in treatment so that early treatment of lung cancer patients lose the opportunity .
5 . Examination of ECT : ECT examination can detect early metastasis to bone .
6 . Mediastinoscopy : mediastinoscopy for mediastinal digunkana especially lymph node metastasis , are not suitable for surgical treatment , while other inspection methods can not obtain pathological diagnosis of the patient .

In fact , cancer is not terrible , terrible when it will be delayed , ignored , misdiagnosed . Over the past decade , with the continuous development of minimally invasive techniques , greatly increasing the effectiveness of lung cancer treatment . Cryosurgical intervention , knives particles , immunotherapy , integrative medicine , and minimally invasive treatment with a multidisciplinary team of cancer with comprehensive care for cancer patients to relieve pain , bring health .

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