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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Symptoms of Leukemia

Many early-stage leukemia patients who do not feel the symptoms of leukemia. Therefore, many patients who have lost valuable time for treatment.

1. Symptoms of chronic leukemia

Chronic Leukemia, during the early usually do not show symptoms. Usually known at the time of patient medical examination or any sightings spenomegali (swelling of the spleen).

With the progression of the disease, symptoms such as fatigue, excessive sweating, sweating at night, feeling full after eating, drastic weight loss, metabolic hiperaktiviti, splenomegaly causing a bulge in the upper left abdomen began to appear.

At the time of the examination can be found from the color of the skin, pale lips, the most prominent splenomegaly (swelling of the spleen), bone abdomen feels depressed, the bleeding and bruising (usually painless) section out the eyes and head.

2. Symptoms of acute leukemia

a. Anemia: Hematopoietic bone marrow disorder, which causes a reduction in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Which causes anemia, half of the patients usually experience severe anemia.

b. Fever: leukemia can cause fever. Reduced immune leukemia patients, so often suffer from infections that cause fever.

c. Bleeding: in patients with leukemia, vascular stasis and frequent infiltration, thrombocytopenia, blood clots, and infections. The body and the patient's skin can be excessive bleeding, sporais, purpura, ecchymoses or epistaxis, bleeding gums, bleeding retia, blurred vision, intracranial hemorrhage, coma and even death.

d. Failure of the gastrointestinal tract: Treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy can affect the digestive function.

e. Hyperuricemia: Treatment of chemotherapy, radiation and the application of corticosteroids can affect the kidneys, causing increased levels of uric acid, uric acid stone formation, oliguria, hyperuricemia, anuria.

3. Symptoms of Leukemia in children
Early symptoms of leukemia for children is a lethargy, pallor, fatigue, poor appetite, nosebleeds or bleeding gums, pain in bones / joints, fever, arthritis, etc..

a. Anemia: anemia symptoms are becoming increasingly severe. Symptoms such as facial pallor, weakness, dyspnea on exertion and tachycardia.

b. Fever: At the time of pain, often fever. Erratic fever. Generally, no chills. Not high fever, antibiotics are usually not effective to reduce fever. The presence of secondary infections (respiratory tract infection, urinary tract, etc.), usually a high fever.

c. Bleeding: Bleeding is caused by infiltration of cancerous blood cells, bone marrow megakaryocytes inhibited, decreased platelet production; Impaired liver function, less fibrinogen, prothrombin, and factors V generation; Increased capillary permeability. Generally the skin and mucous membrane bleeding, such as purpura, ecchymosis, epistaxis, gum bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding and hematuria. Intracranial bleeding, is an important reason for the cause of death.

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