Common method of diagnosis of cervical cancer
1. Blade cervical cytologic examination
Is the primary method to detect cervical cancer precursor lesions and early-stage cervical cancer. But be careful with the position of the captured material and a careful microscopic examination, the false negative rate can be set at 5% ~ l0%, therefore, must be combined with the clinical condition and conduct periodic checks, as a method for screening.
2. Iodine
Normal vaginal squamous epithelium rich in glycogen, which can become brown after a liquid iodine, while the columnar epithelium of the cervix, cervical erosion, and abnormal squamous epithelium (including squamous metaplasia, dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma area) there is no glycogen, the colorless. In clinical cervix exposed by the speculum vagina, after wiping the mucus surface, applying a solution of iodine, the cervix and the fornix, if found any abnormal areas of iodine-negative, may perform a biopsy and pathological examination for this area.

Cervical Pap smear in more than Grade Ⅲ ~ Ⅳ, but when a negative cervical biopsy, at the intersection of column carcinoma, cervix at the point 6, 9, 12 and 3: take four points in the biopsy or colorless iodine test and a suspected cancer site , take some tissue and excisional biopsy or curettage small application endocervical scraping sent for pathological examination.
4. Colposcopy
Colposcopy can not directly diagnose carcinoid tumor, but it can help choose the location to perform a biopsy of cervical biopsies. According to statistics, with the help of colposcopy biopsy, diagnostic accuracy for early cervical cancer can be achieved around 98%. However, colposcopy is not a substitute for the Pap smear and biopsy, also can not find lesions in the cervical canal. Oncologists of Modern hospital Guangzhou is reminded that a diagnosis of cervical cancer can help people for the detection of cervical cancer in a timely manner, to avoid delays in the treatment of cervical cancer.
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