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Monday, October 6, 2014

Symptoms of Endometrial Cancer

Early stage patients do not show obvious symptoms, sometimes it just feels normal when tests or examinations oncologist. However, once symptoms appear, usually feels like the following:
1. Vaginal bleed: this is a symptom of endometrial cancer is the most common and earliest symptom encountered. Often irregular blood out, blood comes out sometimes many times a little, for women who have menopausal symptoms menstrual encountered as much, lasts a long time, for women who have menopausal symptoms encountered as vaginal bleeding.

2. Vaginal discharge: release of endometrial cancer were dead organ can result in vaginal discharge, fluid can exit such as rice soup mixed with a little blood or pus with a bad odor.

3. Pain: often occurs in patients with advanced stage, tumor pain due to nerve choke, can be felt in the lumbosacral, lower abdomen or even to foot.

4. Patients with advanced palpable enlargement of the uterus, may also lead to leg swelling and pain, anemia, thin body, fever, decreased body condition, etc..

Based on the above symptoms is followed by supporters examination, diagnosis can be performed against endometrial cancer, and therefore the woman should always be alert to changes in menstruation, vaginal secretions and the type of substance, so symptoms should immediately consult a hospital.

Diagnosis of endometrial cancer

1. Curettage Diagnosis

Pap smears are usually done first, and then checks the intrauterine new endometrial curettage performed, the sample will be included and separated into a bottle that has been marked, and delivered to the pathology examination. The results obtained are supporting pathology diagnosis of endometrial cancer.

2. Hysteroscopy

Able to directly observe the endometrial lining of lesions, and taken an active lesions suspected to be examined.

3. Catheter intrauterine

By using a catheter made ​​of special materials, or brush catheter inserted into the intrauterine secretion of substances taken for cytological examination, used for screening examinations.

4.USG: can show penginvasian muscle layer.

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