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Saturday, September 20, 2014

What is The Name of Traditional Medicine for Stomach Cancer ?

1. Surgery : a method that is widely used for early-stage Stomach Cancer patients and the medium, which is also a fundamental and effective way.

2. Chemotherapy: chemotherapy as an adjuvant therapy after surgery, which destroy the rest of the cancer cells, can also be used when pre-operation, operation, and control the transfer of cancer cells, to improve the success of the operation.

3. Radiotherapy: preoperative or intraoperative radiotherapy in patients with Stomach Cancer resection may increase, increasing the expected results. Radiotherapy can also be used to relieve symptoms and prolong the time period to life.
Characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine that can be used

After years of exploration and research, traditional Chinese medicine thinking about balancing properties that can be used as anti-cancer. The combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine can improve success than just a single treatment. "Western and Chinese combination therapy" treatment of stomach cancer in several ways, either by traditional Chinese medicine mensuntikan through the arteries, aerosol inhalation Chinese medicine, herbal injections. This is an advanced tumor treatment modality.

How to manage your diet after surgery?

1. Preformance eat small portions.

2. Eat foods that contain a lot of protein, which is easy to digest, such as porridge, egg soup, vegetable soup, milk, protein powder right.

3. Avoid sweet and fatty foods.

4. Avoid cold foods, and too hot, avoid spicy spicy food, liquor, and beverages that stimulate the other.

5. To prevent anemia, better eating lean meat, fish, shrimp, animal liver, and jujube (Chinese date) and others.

6. To digest coarse foods, should be digested slowly.

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