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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

1) Pain in the lower abdomen and nausea that can not be explained, sometimes light sometimes heavy, sometimes appears sometimes not there, feel at night.

2) Appears jaundice but no kidney stones and other illnesses.

3) Weight loss. Heartburn sufferers because gastrointestinal absorption substandard with weight loss, but not as clear as pancreatic cancer.

4) Later there is oil on the Chapter or diabetes suddenly got worse.
Early-stage pancreatic cancer by cutting operations, the survival rate in 5 years to reach 70-100%, compared with advanced pancreatic cancer treatments both results have great differences. Therefore, any symptoms should immediately undergo a detailed medical diagnosis.

Pancreatic cancer screening

Normally, the people who are suspected pancreatic cancer, should be chosen so that there is no way of checking the wound, such as a tumor marker checks and faecal samples, for which the results will undoubtedly do a more advanced pancreatic cancer.

Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer

1) Ultrasound: shows the internal structure of the pancreas, and bile duct obstruction does.

2) CT: CT-scan can show the size of the lesion, the location, but not qualitatively accurate diagnosis, contrast scans are better able to demonstrate the relationship between pancreatic tumor size, location, shape, internal structure and surrounding structures. CT can more accurately determine whether there is liver metastasis and lymph nodes.

3) MRI and MRCP: when there are multiple lesions are difficult to characterize, may perform an MRI examination as a complement to CT-scan.

Division stage pancreatic cancer

Stage I: the tumor is located only in the pancreas, the level of the 5-year survival of about 30%.

Stage II: The tumor invades nearby tissue, such as the walls of the intestine 12 fingers, with 5-year survival rate of approximately 10%.

Stage III: there has been spread to the lymph nodes, with an average survival rate of 8-12 months.

Stage IV: There has metastasized to the liver and other parts, with an average survival rate of 3-6 months.

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