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Sunday, February 1, 2015

Chemical Substances in Foodstuffs Can Be Caused Cancer

Vigilant when consuming foods that contain chemicals. Therefore, foods containing chemicals can potentially cause disease to cancer.

Chemical substances are not allowed in ketubuh, let alone contain carcinogenic substances that can cause cancer, this is a serious matter if the chemical is inserted into the body and consumed every day.

According to him, a cancer that is caused by a chemical substance that can occur as a result of internal and external factors in the body. Thus, should be wary when consuming foods that contain chemicals.

In the body there is a chromosome that may have the potential, then the welcome given trigger, be triggering the emergence of the disease

In addition to dangerous diseases like cancer, eating foods that contain chemicals harmful to health and also lead to other diseases such as gastrointestinal disturbance in either of the mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach and intestines.

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