Until now the medical world still not sure what the cause of endometrial cancer, usually estimated as a combination of many factors, but it causes other dangerous ie: tearing of the cervix, too frequent sexual intercourse, sexual relations are chaotic, ignoring the sexual hygiene, neglect menstrual hygiene, skin covering the penis is too long mate, two types of herpes virus infection and papilloma virus infection, venereal disease, fungal infections, etc..
The group of people prone to endometrial cancer.
1. Fat person : Excessive fat can be a cause of endometrial cancer.
2. People with diabetes: patients with diabetes or those with abnormal glucose levels, the risk of endometrial cancer compared to normal people is 2.8 times as much.
3. Patients with hypertension: most endometrial cancer is also accompanied by hypertension.
4. People irregular menstruation: menstrual chaos, polynomial, risk than normal women of endometrial cancer is 3 times as much.
5. People who early menstruation and late menopause: people who start menstruating early before age 12 years compared with that after 12 years, the risk of endometrial cancer more layers of 60%, as well as late menopausal women more prone to endometrial cancer.
6. Endometrial cancer is more common in a lot of labor, have never given birth, and who can not conceive.
7. Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.
8. Patients with ovarian tumors: can lead to irregular menstruation, bleeding after menopause and endometrial gland enlargement and even cancer endometrial glands.
9. Women who take hormones that females have a higher risk of developing endometrial cancer.
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