Worldwide approximately 30 million people died of esophageal cancer. The incidence in men is much higher than in women, the ratio between men and women between 1.1 to 17: 1. The older the greater the likelihood of developing esophageal cancer, aged under 35 years had a lower likelihood, age 35 and over have gradually increased the possibilities, aged 60 to 69 was the highest age for incidence of esophageal cancer. But do not worry, responsive attitude of early symptoms and treatment combined with sophisticated and effective in the treatment of esophageal cancer, can increase the life expectancy for patients.
Causes of esophageal cancer
The cause of esophageal cancer is lifestyle, health, genetic factors, other factors into a complex, long-term or diet can lead to esophageal cancer.
Especially: 1. Foods that contain a lot of nitrosamines, such as moldy foods or pickles; 2. Continuously consumes hot, such as drinking a hot beverage, or eat hot food; 3. Bad habits such as smoking, drinking, etc.
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