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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Liver Cancer

The meaning of liver cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the liver, including primary and metastatic liver cancers. Liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors encountered in clinical, based on the results of the latest survey, in the world each year there are 60,000 new patients liver cancer, liver cancer incidence is on the order of six from a list of all cancer incidence, mortality rate is on the order three.
Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore east Asian countries and southeast Asia or around the areas of highest incidence of liver cancer, liver cancer patient is in middle age and older, between the ages of 50-60 are infected with liver cancer prone age. In general, male liver cancer patients is 10-fold 7- of female liver cancer patients. Which deserves grateful is in line with the development of medical technology, now have available a variety of treatment methods that are useful, thus giving liver cancer patients get new hope.

Factors that cause liver cancer?

Until now, the direct cause of liver cancer is still unclear, but it must relate to a variety of factors:

1. Chronic hepatitis: Viral hepatitis associated with the pathogenesis of liver cancer, the data show that more than 30% of liver cancer patients had a history of chronic hepatitis, hepatitis B is the most common.

2. Cirrhosis of liver : Medical Observations indicate that approximately 50% - 90% of cancer patients liver cirrhosis had a different process, and therefore should be treated cirrhotic patients and conduct periodic inspections, in order to anticipate the occurrence of liver cancer.

3. Consuming contaminated water in the long term.

4. Eating moldy food in the long run.

5. Consuming foods marinated, fried, smoked in the long run.

Other than that, parasitic diseases (especially those intended is parasitic liver disease), many long-term alcohol consumption, environmental pollution and so is also the factor that causes liver cancer.

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